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Comprehensive Essay about Breast Cancer:In More than 1000 Words

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 1 December 2013 | 13:45

Comprehensive Essay about Breast Cancer

Read this comprehensive essay about breast cancer ( 1015 words) !

Breast cancer is a malignant form of cancer that develops from cells in the breast and is the most common invasive cancer in women worldwide. This is the second in malignancy after skin cancer in women. It starts from the inner lining of milk ducts and spreads to surrounding tissue.

The breast is composed of microscopic cells , which multiply in an orderly manner with adult cells replaced by new cells . Uncontrolled proliferation of cells in a progressive manner this phenomenon in cancer. Milk duct is the most common place for cancer to start and this form is also known as " duct carcicoma. Though most cases of breast cancer occur in women , breast cancer in men is also rare .

Breast cancer has two forms : invasive and noninvasive . Invasive form of breast cancer , where the cancer cells reach the nearby tissue inside the lobules . In such cases, the cancer cells reach the lymph nodes and other organs to reach via metastasis. Liver, lungs and bones may get affected . Cancer cells can even get to other parts of the body by traveling through the bloodstream or lymphatic system .

Non-invasive form of breast cancer , where the cancer cells are limited origin, ie within the lobules . This is how pravilopredrakovoe stage when cancer cells actually not spread beyond the place of origin and " on the spot" . This is a period of time develops into invasive breast cancer . Type Breast Cancer Treatment determines to be carried in each case.

For breast cancer is diagnosed , it is important to be aware of the symptoms . Signs of breast cancer , clear patient include headache or pain. Sometimes a rash or swelling may develop. Symptoms that the doctor can detect as thickening of tissue in the female breast . The presence of lumps is not a sure sign of cancer lumps do not need to be malignant every time. It is important to chtobyproverka health professional made ​​in the case of lumps.

Here are some well-known signs and symptoms that women report prior to breast cancer diagnosis and the need for analysis:

Signs and Symptoms:

1. Erythema

2 . Lump formation in the breast

3 . Pain in the chest or armpits not during the menstrual cycle, but otherwise,

4 . Swelling in the armpits ( lumps )

5 . Nipples of the breast turn sunken or inverted

6. Change the size and shape of the breast

7. The rash is present around the nipples

8. Thickened breast tissue

9. Discharge, which may be that of the blood from the nipple

10 . Peeling, scaling or peeling of the skin or nipple breast

It is noted that the symptoms are not indicators confirming breast cancer , but tolkovozmozhno sign of malignancy . It may , rather, a cyst or an infection that causes symptoms .

In cases where the diagnosis gives positive results , further treatment and course of action should be running health care workers . Determining the type of cancer and its varieties , as well as if the genetic mutation responsible for it , or if it is hormone receptive should be done. Definition of breast cancer positive results in the necessity of determining , cancer cells have spread to other organs , tissue or bone . Effective treatments can cure cancer or prevent its further spread . Local or systemic treatment , depending on the size, nature and extent of tumor diagnosis is carried out post .

Surgery and radiation are the means of local treatment , where the cancerous cells have tried to be destroyed without affecting other parts of the body or the rest of the body . Breast- sparing mastectomy or lumpectomy in an aggressive manner , where the entire breast may need to be removed can be done in a transaction .

Systematic treatments involve targeting the bloodstream throughout the body through the mouth and fed to achieve target cancer cells . Toxic drugs such as methotrexate or cyclophoshamide may be used in such treatments.

Biological treatment is the most recent form, where therapy is used to strengthen the immune system to fight cancer cells and curb the growth of cancer cells that have a protein at higher levels . Which treatment regimen for the patient is taken depends on the age , type and stage of cancer.

Since women older than 50 years are likely to develop cancer , early diagnosis can prevent cancer from happening at all in many cases. Breast cancer screening tests are recommended for women over age 40 who are tests conducted without the presence of any symptoms.

Detection is carried out by self exams , check medical experts or clinical mammography. Women who have a family history of cancer should undergo early screening tests , because they are at higher risk of developing malignancy through genes .

Although the causes of breast cancer is not established , there are many factors that may be considered for its probability in women. As the progression of age , the risk of developing breast cancer increases. Genetics also play a role . Breast cancer is more common in these women whose close relatives had ovarian cancer . If a woman has developed a non-invasive problem ever in my life , it is very likely to develop breast cancer again in my life . Breast lumps at some stage may turn into cancer later. For women with dense breast tissue , the likelihood of developing breast cancer is always higher .

It is very important chtorak breast receives a diagnosis for treatment to begin. Doctors have a wider range of options to start and to judge progress of the patient and prevent metastasis occurs . Staging of cancer, i.e. the extent to which the cancer has developed in a patient can be determined only after the diagnosis. Further survival largely depends on the type , location and stage of cancer. Women can steer clear of breast cancer by eating a healthy diet, drinking less alcohol and breastfeeding their children in addition to being physically active in their procedures. Breast cancer can be controlled with surgery or chemotherapy , or both if appropriate . The risk of recurrence is a significant factor during treatment and , thus , prevention is always better than cure.

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Comprehensive Essay about Breast Cancer

Comprehensive Essay about Breast Cancer


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