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Role of Women:Short Essay(In 330 Words) Online Free For Education Purpose

Written By Unknown on Monday 2 December 2013 | 10:26

Role of Women

Role of Women:Short Essay(In 330 Words)

The role of women in the world and today's Pakistan , especially in a real paradox . On the one hand , she reached inaccessible heights of success in terms of profession , business , social status and education, and on the other it has become vulnerable targets of violence from society, including his own family members .

Women modern Pakistan honed their skills and jumped into the battlefield of life fighting against social constraints , emotional , cultural and religious boundaries clutches.
It is now possible to see the work on an equal footing with men in all fields , be it the media, information technology , medicine , astronomy , aviation, and what not . Just call them and you will find his work in a team or leading a team how to do what companies and executives popular commercial businesses many celebrities CEO.
As women gain ground to reach ordinary people with their problems , too, is growing exponentially. Many complex and totally unpredictable obstacles it faces in the face of every common modern Pakistan women .
In those days , women face many social problems such as dowry, child marriages , deaths in childbirth , neglect in early childhood , sati and many social problems for women , but now the situation of women in Pakistan has been the subject of many great changes over the last several millennia. Of equality with men in ancient times through the low points of the medieval period, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers status , history of women in Pakistan has been turbulent . In modern Pakistan women decorated high positions in Pakistan , including the President , Prime Minister , Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the leader of the opposition. Since 2011, the President of Pakistan , the President of the Lok Sabha and the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) all women. Nevertheless, women in Pakistan in general is still subject to many social problems. According to a global survey by Thomson Reuters ...

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